Author: Nancy

A Celebration of Giving

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Conveying Ideas Through Story

Nancy Duarte Stop & Reflect: Can your idea be the flashpoint for a movement? Can you rewrite our future?

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Rethinking “Failure”

David Damberger Stop & Reflect: Has aid failed?

Rethinking “Development”

Survival International Stop & Reflect: Do target beneficiaries even need our help?

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Rethinking “Philanthropy”

Lynne Twist Moving from scarcity to sufficiency. “We each have the power to shift, change, and create the conversation that shapes our circumstances. The levers and dials of conversation are ours to use. When we listen, speak and respond from the context of sufficiency, we access a new freedom and power in our relationship with money and life.” 1 Stop & Reflect: What if you were known for what you…

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Rethinking “Charity”

Dan Pallotta Stop & Reflect:

Yoga Stops Traffick

A one day, worldwide community yoga event run by volunteers to raise awareness about human trafficking and much needed money to support its victims. Yoga Stops Traffick was set up in 2010 by a group of volunteers who wanted to do something to help. The funds at our 6th annual event in 2015 raised helped provide a roof over the head of 95 children at Odanadi Seva Trust rehabilitation centres….

Left in the Margins

More about the Educational Equity program at the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund.