Author: Nancy

Free a Girl Timeline

Yoga as Refuge

Helping refugees and asylum-seekers rebuild their lives. More about Ourmala.

Asian American Voting Trends

Latest press releases: AALDEF statement on the president’s voter fraud commission May 11, 2017 American Muslim voters faced extra hurdles at poll sites in Michigan and New York in the 2016 Elections Nov 11, 2016 In AALDEF’s Election Day exit poll of over 14,400 Asian American voters, Clinton favored over Trump by wide margin Nov 9, 2016 Despite high voter turnout, Asian Americans face barriers to voting on Election Day…

Sustainable Agriculture & Food Security

Fixing our broken food system by investing in family farming and prioritizing local food production and consumption. :: in development; best viewed on Chrome ::

World Kitchen

:: in development :: 1. A Local Leaders map that displays where trained Local Leaders are based throughout the world, including information on the projects they are leading and a short bio with a photo. 2. A Food Geography map that shows where major foods originally were cultivated. 3. A Seasonal Fruit/Vegetable map that is organized into ‘food zones’. 4. An infographic that combines several different ‘food justice’ issues and…

Rising Voices

Follow Max as he walks across every state of India.

Website Development

client: Ashtanga Yoga Houston

Data on Child Marriage

Free a Girl

Successfully crowdfunded €17,500 on the JustGiving platform and won the 2012 Free a Girl Award + an additional €35,000. View the campaign timeline and project proposal below. More about Odanadi Seva Samsthe and Free a Girl.


Redistricting is a once-in-a-decade opportunity to increase the political influence and electoral representation of Asian Americans by keeping communities together in newly-drawn districts. Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund (AALDEF), in a joint coalition with LatinoJustice (PRLDEF), National Institute for Latino Policy (NILP), and Center for Law and Social Justice (CLSJ) of Medgar Evers College released the Unity Map, a joint proposal for new Congressional, State Assembly, State Senate…