Maps & Data

Sustainable Agriculture & Food Security

Fixing our broken food system by investing in family farming and prioritizing local food production and consumption. :: in development; best viewed on Chrome ::

Data on Child Marriage


Redistricting is a once-in-a-decade opportunity to increase the political influence and electoral representation of Asian Americans by keeping communities together in newly-drawn districts. Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund (AALDEF), in a joint coalition with LatinoJustice (PRLDEF), National Institute for Latino Policy (NILP), and Center for Law and Social Justice (CLSJ) of Medgar Evers College released the Unity Map, a joint proposal for new Congressional, State Assembly, State Senate…

Microfinance Distribution in India

This map aggregates information related to the spread of financial services for the poor in India. It also identifies regions that are untouched and underserved by financial services providers. Researchers gathered general institutional information, district-wise outreach, details of portfolio, product offering and other details from 103 MFIs across India and secondary sources for three years (2007-2009). The data and map were updated again in 2010. Click here to view the…

5 Miles From Ground Zero

This map was developed to advocate for expanded boundaries for health coverage, beyond the 16 acres around ground zero. It was shown and included with testimony in front of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s technical panel in 2004 and 2011. A series of maps with New York and New Jersey data from the World Trade Center health registry were also produced. More related to 9/11 health and environmental issues.