Rising Voices
Follow Max as he walks across every state of India.
Successfully crowdfunded €17,500 on the JustGiving platform and won the 2012 Free a Girl Award + an additional €35,000. View the campaign timeline and project proposal below. More about Odanadi Seva Samsthe and Free a Girl.
20 Odanadi survivors and 10 volunteers rode bicycles for 30 days across 60 villages in Karnataka, India. In each village, the Odanadi women made presentations about human trafficking and environmental justice. At each stop, they also planted a fruit-bearing tree, purchased with the Lush funds, as a gift from Odanadi and a reminder about the issues discussed. Read one volunteer’s account, Two Wheels and a Mission. Download the full proposal,…
Odanadi co-founders, Stanly KV and Parashuram ML, accepted the $10,000 prize in Singapore. Read the award winning nomination below, and learn more about the Asia Society Asia 21 Young Leaders Initiative and its annual Public Service Award.