Yarn Politik

Weaving Ideas and Concepts into Campaigns

a tale, especially a long story of adventure or incredible happenings: She spun a yarn that outdid any I had ever heard.
to engage in an activity undertaken for political reasons or ends; to influence or accomplish by politicking; to promote oneself or one’s policies.
BellHooks quote

Weaving Ideas and Concepts into Campaigns

a tale, especially a long story of adventure or incredible happenings: She spun a yarn that outdid any I had ever heard.
to engage in an activity undertaken for political reasons or ends; to influence or accomplish by politicking; to promote oneself or one’s policies.
Nancy Yu

Nancy Yu

Principal Researcher & Designer
I’m a data sleuth and mapmaker turned visual and multimedia storyteller. I also fell into fundraising by compulsion, but am better known as a campaigner that gets the job done.

I have 15 years of solid nonprofit experience in research and development and have had the incredible opportunity to work in many countries around the globe.

Can I be in service to you? I freelance on cool projects and love to collaborate.

John Harvey

Vice President, Sales

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Donec a pellentesque enim. Proin fringilla imperdiet egestas. Quisque eu sapien volutpat velit pellentesque blandit. Vestibulum fringilla quam in metus pharetra lacinia.

Nulla faucibus rutrum lorem, et eleifend ipsum tincidunt sit amet. Vivamus condimentum a purus ultrices fermentum. Ut elementum mattis urna, a laoreet enim congue ut. Aliquam erat volutpat.

Interdum et malesuada ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Curabitur imperdiet tellus sit amet nisl cursus, in magna euismod. Quisque nec quam at purus imperdiet commodo quis placerat augue.